Selected Publications

For a full list of publications, please see Dr. Blander’s CV

On Phagocytosis and Antigen Presentation

  1. Blander, J.M., Yee Mon, K.J., Jha, A., and Roycroft, D. (2023). The show and tell of cross-presentation Advances in Immunology [Epub 2023 Oct 12].

  2. Yee Mon, K.J. and Blander J.M. (2023). Tap-ing into the cross-presentation secrets of dendritic cells Current Opinion in Immunology 83:102327[Epub 2023 Apr 26].

  3. Blander, J.M. (2023). Different routes of MHC-I delivery to phagosomes and their consequences to CD8 T cell immunity Seminars in Immunology 66:101713 [Epub 2023 Jan 26].

  4. Mantel, I., Sadiq, B.A., and Blander, J.M. (2022). Spotlight on TAP and its vital role in antigen presentation and cross-presentation Molecular Immunology 142:105-119 [Epub 2021 Dec 29].

  5. Barbet, G.*, Nair-Gupta, P.*, Schotsaert, M., Yeung, S.T., Moretti, J., Seyffer, F., Metreveli, G., Gardner, T., Choi, A., Tortorella, D., Tampé, R., Khanna, K.M., García-Sastre, A., and Blander, J.M. (2021). TAP dysfunction in dendritic cells enables non-canonical cross-presentation for CD8 T cell priming Nature Immunology [Epub 31 March 2021] *Equal contribution

    Highlights: Weill Cornell Newsroom, Accelerating Cancer Immunotherapy Research (ACIR) April 14, 2021 Weekly Digest.

  6. Sadiq, B., Mantel, I., and Blander, J.M. (2020) A comprehensive experimental guide to studying cross-presentation in dendritic cells in vitro Current Protocols in Immunology 131(1):e115.

  7. Blander, J.M. (2018) Regulation of the cell biology of antigen cross-presentation Annual Review of Immunology 36:717-753. [Epub 2018 Feb 28].

  8. Blander, J.M. (2016) The comings and goings of MHC class I molecules herald a new dawn in cross-presentation Immunological Reviews 272:65-79.

  9. Campisi, L., Barbet, G., Ding, Y., and Blander, J.M. (2016) Apoptosis in response to microbial infection induces autoreactive T helper 17 cells Nature Immunology 17:1084-1092 [Epub 2016 Jul 25].

  10. Nair-Gupta, P., Baccarini, A., Tung, N., Seyffer, F., Florey, O., Huang, Y., Banerjee, M., Overholtzer, M., Roche, P.A., Tampé, R., Brown, D.B., Amsen, D., Whiteheart, S.W., and Blander J.M. (2014) TLR signals induce phagosomal MHC-I delivery from the endosomal recycling compartment to allow cross-presentation Cell 158:506-521.

  11. Moretti, J. and Blander J.M. (2014) Insights into phagocytosis-coupled activation of pattern recognition receptors and inflammasomes Current Opinion in Immunology 26:100-110.

  12. Nair-Gupta, P. and Blander, J.M. (2013) An updated View of the intracellular mechanisms regulating cross-presentation Frontiers in Immunology 4:401. 

  13. Garaude, J., Kent, A., v. Rooijen, N., and Blander J.M. (2012) Simultaneous Targeting of Toll- and Nod-Like Receptors Induces Effective Tumor-Specific Immune Responses Science Translational Medicine 4, 120ra16.

  14. Nair, P, Amsen, D., and Blander, J.M. (2011) Coordination of incoming and outgoing traffic in antigen presenting cells by pattern recognition receptors and T cells Traffic 12:1669-76. [Epub 2011 Aug 1]

  15. Blander, J.M. (2007) Signaling and phagocytosis in the orchestration of host defence Cellular Microbiology 9:290-299.

  16. Blander, J.M. (2007) Coupling Toll-like receptor signaling with phagocytosis: potentiation of antigen presentation Trends in Immunology 28:19-25 [Epub 2006 Nov 23].

  17. Blander, J.M. and Medzhitov, R. (2006) On regulation of phagosome maturation and antigen presentation Nature Immunology 7:1029-1035.

  18. Blander, J.M. and Medzhitov, R. (2006) Toll-dependent selection of microbial antigens for presentation by dendritic cells Nature 440:808-812. 

  19. Blander, J.M. and Medzhitov, R.  (2004) Regulation of phagosome maturation by signals from Toll-like receptors Science 304:1014-1018.


On vita-PAMPs: Signatures of Microbial Viability

  1. Moretti, J., Jia, B, Hutchins, Z., Roy, S., Yip, H., Wu, J., Shan, M., Jaffrey, S., Coers, J., Blander, J.M. (2022). Caspase-11 interaction with NLRP3 potentiates the noncanonical activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome Nature Immunology 23:705-717 [Epub 2022 April 29].

  2. Moretti, J. and Blander, J.M. (2021) Increasing complexity of NLRP3 inflammasome regulation Journal of Leukocyte Biology 109:561-571 [Epub 2020 Jun 12]. 

  3. Blander, J.M. and Barbet., G. (2018) Exploiting vita-PAMPs in vaccines Current Opinion in Pharmacology 41:128-136. [Epub 2018 June 8].

  4. Barbet, G., Sander, L.E., Geswell, M., Leonardi, I., Cerutti, A., Iliev, I. and Blander J.M. (2018) Sensing microbial viability through bacterial RNA augments T follicular helper cell and antibody responses Immunity 48:584-598. [Epub 2018 Mar 13].

  5. Moretti, J. and Blander, J.M. (2018) Detection of a vita-PAMP STINGs cells into reticulophagy Autophagy 14:1102-1104 [Epub 2018 May 21].

  6. Moretti, J.*, Vabret, N.*, and Blander, J.M. (2018) Measuring innate immune responses to microbial viability Methods in Molecular Biology 1714:167-190. *These authors contributed equally.

  7. Moretti, J., Roy, S., Bozec, D. Martinez, J., Chapman, J.R., Ueberheide, B., Lamming, D.W., Chen, Z. J., Horng, T., Yeretssian, G., Green, D.R., and Blander, J.M. (2017) STING senses microbial viability to orchestrate stress-mediated autophagy of the endoplasmic reticulum Cell 171:809-823. [Epub 2017 Oct 19].

  8. Moretti, J. and Blander, J.M. (2016) Cell autonomous stress responses in innate immunity Journal of Leukocyte Biology 101:77-86.

  9. Vabret, N. and Blander J.M. (2013) Sensing microbial RNA in the cytosol Frontiers in Immunology 4:468.

  10. Mourao-Sa, D., Roy, S. and Blander J.M.  Vita-PAMPs: Signatures of microbial viability. 2013. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology book series. Springer. "Crossroads Between Innate and Adaptive Immunity IV" edited by Dr. Peter D. Katsikis, Dr. Stephen P. Schoenberger, and Dr. Bali Pulendran. 785:1-8.

  11. Blander, J.M. and Sander, L.E. (2012) Beyond pattern recognition: Five immune checkpoints for scaling the microbial threat Nature Reviews Immunology 12:215-225.

  12. Sander, L.E., Davis, M.J., Boekschoten, M.V., Amsen, D., Dascher, C.C., Ryffel, B., Swanson, J.A., Müller, M., and Blander, J.M. (2011) Detection of prokaryotic mRNA signifies microbial viability and promotes immunity Nature 474:385-389 [Epub 2011 May 22].


On the Innate Response to Cell Death

  1. Chikina, A.S., Nadalin, F., Maurin, M., San-Roman, M., Thomas-Bonafos, T., Li, X.V., Lameiras, S., Baulande, S., Henri, S., Malissen, B., Mariano, L.L., Barbazan, J., Blander, J.M., Iliev, I., Vignjevic, D.M., Lennon-Duménil, A.-M. (2020) Macrophages maintain epithelial barrier integrity in the distal colon by limiting the absorption of fluids containing fungal products Cell 183:411-488 (Epub 2020 Sept 23).

  2. Tummers, B., Mari, L. Guy, C.S., Heckmann, B.L., Rodriquez, D.A., Ruhl, S, Moretti, J., Crawford, J.C., Fitzgerald, P., Kanneganti, T.D., Janke, L.J., Pelletier, S., Blander, J.M., and Green, D.R. (2020) Caspase-8-dependent inflammatory responses are controlled by its adaptor FADD, and necroptosis Immunity 52:994-1006.E8 [Epub 2020 May 18].

  3. Blander, J.M. (2018) On cell death within the intestinal epithelium and its impact on gut homeostasis Current Opinion in Gastroenterology 34:413-419. [Epub 2018 Aug 29].

  4. Blander, J.M. (2017) The many ways tissue phagocytes respond to dying cells Immunological Reviews 277:158–173.

  5. Cummings, R. J., Barbet, J., Bongers, G., Hartmann, B.M., Gettler, K., Muniz, L., Furtado, G.C., Cho, J., Lira, S.A.* and Blander, J.M.* (2016) Different intestinal phagocytes sample apoptotic cells in situ to orchestrate distinct programs of tissue homeostasis Nature 539:565-569.  *co-corresponding authors. [Epub 2016 Nov 9].

  6. Blander, J.M. (2014) A long awaited merger of the pathways mediating inflammation and programmed cell death Nature Reviews Immunology 14:601-618.

  7. Legarda, D., Justus, S.J., Ang, R.L., Rikhi, N., Li. W., Moran, T.M., Zhang, J., Mizoguchi E., Zelic, M., Kelliher, M.A., Blander J.M., and Ting, A.T. (2016) CYLD proteolysis protects macrophages from TNF-mediated auto-necroptosis induced by LPS and licensed by type I IFN Cell Reports 15:2449-2461.

  8. Blander, J.M. (2016) Death in the intestinal epithelium – Basic biology and implications for inflammatory bowel disease The FEBS Journal 283: 2720-2730. [Epub 2016 Jun 22].

  9. Campisi, L., Cummings, R. and Blander, J.M. (2014) Death-defining immune responses after apoptosis American Journal of Transplantation 14:1488-1498 [Epub 2014 Jun 5]

  10. Blander, J.M., Torchinsky, M.B.*, and Campisi, L*. (2012) Revisiting the link between infection and autoimmune disease with commensals and T helper 17 cells Immunological Research 54:50-68. [Epub ahead of print 2012 March 30]. * These authors contributed equally.

  11. Blander, J.M. Apoptosis and TH17 cell differentiation. Textbook “TH17 cells in Health and Disease.” Jiang, Shuiping (Ed.), 1st Edition, 2011, XIV:63-106. Springer New York Publishers.

  12. Brereton, C.F. and Blander, J.M. (2011) The unexpected link between infection-induced apoptosis and a Th17 immune response Journal of Leukocyte Biology 4:565-76. Epub 2011 Jan 19.

  13. Brereton, C.F. and Blander, J.M. (2010) Responding to infection and apoptosis – A task for TH17 cells Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1209:56-67.

  14. Torchinsky, M. B., Garaude, J., and Blander, J.M. (2010) Infection and apoptosis as a combined inflammatory trigger Current Opinion in Immunology 22:55-62.

  15. Torchinsky, M.B. and Blander J.M. (2010) T helper 17 cells: discovery, function and physiological trigger Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 67:1407-21. Epub 2010 Jan 7.

  16. Torchinsky, M.B., Garaude, J., Martin, A.P., and Blander J.M. (2009) Innate immune recognition of infected apoptotic cells directs TH17 cell differentiation Nature 458:78-82.


Select Other Publications

  1. Blander, J.M. (2020) MerTK blockade fuels anti-tumor immunity Immunity 52:212-214.

  2. Blander J.M. (2019) A new approach for Inflammatory Bowel Disease therapy Nature Medicine 25:545-546.

  3. Barbet, G. and Blander J.M. (2018) A key ingredient for priming killer T cells Science 362:641-642.

  4. *Blander, J.M., Longman, R.S., Iliev, I.D., Sonnenberg, G, and Artis, D. (2017) Regulation of inflammation by microbiota interactions with the host Nature Immunology 18:851-860. *corresponding author

  5. Backer, R.A., Helbig, C., Gentek, R., Kent, A., Laidlaw, B.J., Dominguez, C.X., de Souza, Y.S., van Trierum, S. E., Rimmelzwaan, G. F., ten Brinke, A., Willemsen, M., van Kampen, A.H.C., Kaech, S.M., Blander, J.M., van Gisbergen, K., and Amsen, D.  (2014) A central role for Notch in effector CD8+ T cell differentiation Nature Immunology 15:1143-1151. [Epub 2014 Oct 26]

  6. Kent, A. and Blander J.M. (2014) Nod-like receptors: Key molecular switches in the conundrum of cancer Frontiers in Immunology 5:185.

  7. Shan, M., Gentile, M., Yeiser, J.R., Walland, A.C., Bornstein, V.U., Chen, K., He, B., Cassis, L., Bigas, A., Cols, M., Comerma, L., Huang, B., Blander, J.M., Xiong, H., Mayer, L., Berin, C., Augenlicht, L.H., Velcich, A., and Cerutti, A. (2013) Mucus enhances gut homeostasis and oral tolerance by delivering immunoregulatory signals Science 342:447-453.

  8. Garaude, J. and Blander J.M.  (2012) “Flagellated” cancer cells propel anti-tumor immunity Oncoimmunology 1:940-942

  9.  Garaude, J. and Blander J.M. (2012) Attacking tumor cells with a dual ligand for innate immune receptors Oncotarget 3:361-362.