Innate Sensing of Cell Death and its Immune Consequences

The innate immune system responds to perturbations in tissue homeostasis resultant from infection but also dying cells and tissue damage. The goals of this program are to identify the immune consequences of cell death. Cells die by different modes of programmed cell death including apoptosis, pyroptosis and necroptosis. Cell death by apoptosis is a normal component of healthy tissue physiology that is balanced by cell division and maintains normal tissue size and function. Cell death by apoptosis is tolerogenic and non-inflammatory, and contrasts with necroptosis or pyroptosis, which are pathological and inflammatory.

We have developed several mouse models for studying the consequences of cell death on immunity, resolution of inflammation and tissue repair.  We have chosen to study these processes in the intestinal epithelium.  The intestinal epithelium continually undergoes a tightly controlled process of cell death and renewal.  Excessive cell death leads to chronic inflammation as in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), while deficient death leads to cellular transformation and cancer.  Intestinal epithelial cells can also die as a result of infection.  The professional phagocytes within the intestinal lamina propria have been well characterized making it possible for us to identify which the impact of cell death on these important innate immune players and how their functions are modulated by the sampling and phagocytosis of dying intestinal epithelial cells.

Our first foray into the gut was through our investigations of the immune consequences of recognizing infected apoptotic cells. We had shown that apoptosis of the colonic intestinal epithelium as a result of infection with a rodent pathogen equivalent to the enteropathogenic and enterohemorrhagic E. coli in humans, is a physiological signal for T helper 17 (TH17) cell differentiation (See Torchinsky, M.B. et al. Nature 2009; Torchinsky and Blander, Cell Mol Life Sci 2010; Torchinsky, M.B. et al. Curr Opin Immunol 2010).  Within the intestinal TH17 response, we found antigen specificities to both damaged tissue and infecting pathogen suggesting that infections associated with significant cell death could break immune tolerance and prime self-reactive CD4 T cells and drive their differentiation into TH17 cells.  Once primed, these TH17 cells can cause intestinal pathology long after the infection is cleared (See Campisi, L. et al. Nat Immunol 2016; Blander J.M. et al. Immunol Res 2012).

Ongoing work: Innate recognition and immune consequences of necroptosis

Necroptosis involves the formation of a complex of receptor interacting serine/threonine protein kinases RIPK1, RIPK3 and the necroptosis effector mixed lineage kinase domain-like protein (MLKL). Up until recently, necroptosis was thought to function primarily in the control of infection and mainly as a fail-safe strategy that counters viral blockade of apoptosis. Studies in mouse models, however, have shown that deficiency in components of the apoptosis machinery such as caspase-8 or FADD leads to embryonic lethality driven by necroptosis and dependent on RIPK3 and MLKL. Other studies using conditional deletion of caspase-8 or FADD in the intestinal epithelium revealed that blocking the pathways that mediate homeostatic apoptosis precipitates intestinal inflammation associated with elevated levels of RIPK3 and necroptosis. Indeed, a notable increase in programmed cell death of intestinal epithelial cells (IEC) has been reported in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and this damage is associated with heightened inflammation and increased levels of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-a, an important mediator of cell death. Using a novel mouse model where we can inducibly trigger necroptosis of IEC, we are working to determine how IEC necroptosis impacts intestinal homeostasis and we will define the nature of the inflammatory response.

Phagocyte sampling of infected apoptotic cells instructs CD4 T helper 17 cell differentiation. See Torchinsky MB et al. Nature 2009. Created with

Phagocyte sampling of infected apoptotic cells instructs CD4 T helper 17 cell differentiation. See Torchinsky MB et al. Nature 2009. Created with

Potential for self-antigen presentation during infection. In a milieu of T helper 17 (TH17) instructing cytokines, self-reactive CD4 T cells can differentiate into auto reactive TH17 cells. See Campisi L et al. Nat Immunol 2016. Created with BioRend…

Potential for self-antigen presentation during infection. In a milieu of T helper 17 (TH17) instructing cytokines, self-reactive CD4 T cells can differentiate into auto reactive TH17 cells. See Campisi L et al. Nat Immunol 2016. Created with

Apoptotic cells imprint phagocytes with distinct homeostatic programs

How does apoptotic cell sampling modulate mononuclear phagocytes in tissues? See Cummings RJ et al. Nature 2016. Created with

How does apoptotic cell sampling modulate mononuclear phagocytes in tissues? See Cummings RJ et al. Nature 2016. Created with

Dying intestinal epithelial cells are shed into the gut lumen leading to the dogma that they have no role in intestinal homeostasis. We expressed a green fluorescent protein (GFP) fused to the diphtheria toxin receptor within intestinal epithelial cells (IEC) of mice, which enabled tracing of GFP-labeled apoptotic IEC into intestinal phagocytes and experimental induction of apoptosis upon injection of diphtheria toxin while maintaining epithelial barrier integrity. Using this novel mouse model, we found that mouse IEC, which undergo continuous renewal to maintain optimal barrier and absorptive functions, are not merely extruded to maintain homeostatic cell numbers, but play an active role in immune suppression and tolerance in the gut. Apoptotic IEC are sampled by a single subset of CD103-expressing dendritic cells and two macrophage subsets within a well-characterized network of phagocytes in the small intestinal lamina propria. Apoptotic IEC sampling imprints intestinal mononuclear phagocytes with ‘suppression of inflammation’ and ‘induction of regulatory CD4 T cell’ transcriptional signatures. We identified negative regulatory nodes whose expression is induced in the CD103-expressing dendritic cells upon apoptotic cell sampling, and which serve to simultaneously down modulate more than one pathway of inflammation (see Cummings RJ et al. Nature 2016; Blander JM Immunol Rev 2017; Blander JM Curr Opin Gastro 2018).

Cell death Figure 3.jpg

Mouse model to study phagocyte sampling of apoptotic cells in tissues

The image to the right shows whole mount of small intestine from a transgenic mouse expressing a fusion protein of GFP and diphtheria toxin receptor specifically in the intestinal epithelium. Intraperitoneal injection of diphtheria toxin into these mice elicits apoptosis of intestinal epithelial cells visualized here by staining with an antibody to cleaved caspase-3, an effector of apoptosis (red). The extensive network of mononuclear phagocytes in the intestinal lamina propria is visualized by staining with an antibody to CD11c (White). See Cummings RJ et al. Nature 2016.